
Psychedelic-assisted hypnotherapy (core ideas)

Psychedelic-assisted hypnotherapy combines the therapeutic potential of psychedelics (such as psilocybin, MDMA, or ketamine) with the techniques of hypnotherapy to address various mental health issues, enhance personal growth, and facilitate deep healing. This approach has gained increasing attention as research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics has expanded. Here are some potential benefits of psychedelic-assisted…

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Transformirati se u zdravu, ispunjenu, obilnu i sretnu osobu višestruki je proces koji uključuje promjene u razmišljanju, navikama i životnim odlukama

Transformirati se u zdravu, ispunjenu, obilnu i sretnu osobu višestruki je proces koji uključuje promjene u razmišljanju, navikama i životnim odlukama. Evo nekoliko temelja koji mogu voditi kroz ovu transformaciju: Prioritiziraj svoje mentalno i fizičko zdravlje Redovito vježbaj: Kretanje je ključno za mentalnu i fizičku dobrobit. Pronađi oblik vježbanja koji voliš (yoga, planinarenje, plivanje itd.)…

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How to transform yourself into a healthy, fulfilled, abundant, and happy person

Transforming yourself into a healthy, fulfilled, abundant, and happy person is a multi-faceted journey that involves shifts in mindset, habits, and lifestyle choices. Here are some foundational steps that can guide you through this transformation: 1. Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health Exercise Regularly: Movement is key for both mental and physical well-being. Find a…

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Dr.Sarancha’s book on Amazon

The book “Stop Being Sick!” is a distillation of scientific knowledge and practical medical experience. The author aims to draw the reader’s attention to a holistic understanding of human health, the causes and mechanisms behind the onset and progression of diseases, and to provide the necessary knowledge and tools to break free from the vicious cycle of…

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