We would like to announce a new scientific partnership of our Association with the European manufacturer of the modern Cryo equipment Vacuactivus-Medstarcom. Taking into consideration numerous positive effects of the cryotherapy while using as a complimentary treatment for such states as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Phantom Pain, Chronic Pain…

NFT Healthyceuticals – the new tech. of the information medicine
Healthyceuticals (collection Healthy Clouds on https://opensea.io/collection/healthyclouds in particular) are modern health boosting designs and tools created/improved/developed by Dr.Sarancha (G.P., Ph.D) with colleagues. Healthyceuticals are the items imprinted with use of scientifically proven methods based on the paradigms of the informational medicine, e.g. electromagnetic, optical imprinting, empowering with use of neurocognitive methods. Proposed collection of NFTs…