Opening soon
We are proud to announce an opening of the first detox-cryo-rejuvenation (#DETOCRE) unit in Zagreb (Croatia). The project is going to be a joint venture of #MAIM and School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. Project is powered by Dr.Sarancha (#drsarancha) together with the team of medical professionals. The unit is planed to be a scientific and practical think-tank for the development and implementation of new technologies in the field of Informational Medicine, Neuro-Cognitive technologies, mental and physical detoxification and rejuvenation.
Mental detox is the process of clearing and cleansing the negative, unuseful and unconscious thinking that impacts our mental, physical, emotional and energetic wellbeing.
Physical detox refers to the process ridding the body of unhealthy substances or toxins.
Rejuvenation is the act of making someone look or feel young and energetic again.
For more details please contact our staff. To book the convenient appointment term for your treatments please fill the form or contact our staff. You may find us in Zagreb on address: Šalata 4a.
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