
R.I.P our dear scholar Dr. William Tiller (Psychoenergetic Science)

For the past forty years professor of Stanford University Dr. William Tiller has been writing scientific papers, articles and books in the Psychoenergetic Science area, in parallel with his orthodox science work carried out as a materials science professor at Stanford University with his Ph.D. students during this same time period. The main purpose of his work was to awaken the consciousness of humanity, the lay public as well as the scientific community, to the importance of human consciousness and its focused development upon both (1) the progressive evolution of our latent human capabilities and spiritual perspectives and (2) the actual expansion of our orthodox science to perceive and beneficially utilize consciousness as a significant experimental variable in the study of nature’s manifold expressions and opportunities.

Dr. William Tiller began personal investigations of human consciousness and the potential for inner enlightenment, or inner self-management, through meditation processes. While on a Guggenheim Fellowship and sabbatical to Oxford University in 1970, he realized that it was crucial for future science that a competent investigator from the United States make a long-term, serious commitment to both experimental and theoretical investigations of psychoenergetic phenomena.  This area was anathema to the conventions of science at the time. His scientific experiments led him to the conclusion that human consciousness and intention can significantly influence physical reality. Around that time he realized that extant experimental data from the previous two centuries of psychoenergetic studies conducted around the world, when combined, further substantiated his theory. Bill returned to Stanford and gave up chairmanship of his department, as well as most of his committee work, in order to pursue formal research of psychoenergetics that would be parallel with his traditional research at Stanford. (koriste se materijali sa web stranice partners www.tillerfoundation.org).

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