The four most commonly used illicit drugs are marijuana, cocaine, meth/amphetamines and ecstasy. Drug testing kits used for workplace drug testing should cover all these at a minimum. Drugs can affect different people in different ways. How a drug affects a person can depend on their weight, size, and health, their frequency in using their drug…
The benefits of lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage massage is a type of massage that is designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps to remove waste and toxins from the body. Here are some of the potential benefits of lymphatic drainage massage on human health: Boosts immune function: Lymphatic drainage massage can help to boost immune function by improving lymph…
Vi ste uspješna i realizirana osoba ali: – osjećate umor i sniženje životne energije – imate problema s probavom – muči Vas zatvor a možda i hemoroidi – imate višak kilograma – patite od nesanice Zagađenje tijela vodeći je uzrok pojave većine suvremenih bolesti čovječanstva – NEMOJTE BITI DIO CRNE STATISTIKE, DONESITE POZITIVNE ZA VLASTITO…