Poštovani pacijenti, Zahvaljujemo na vašoj dosadašnjoj suradnji i na povjerenju koje ste nam ukazali odabirom metode DETOCRE za mršavljenje i detoksikaciju. Drago nam je obavijestiti vas da od 01. veljače 2025. godine Centar DETOCRE postaje sastavni dio EO2 poliklinike. Osim tretmana na koje ste već navikli, naša ponuda sada uključuje i inovativne terapije koje će…

Program HEALTH COACHING starta 9.01.2024
“HEALTH COACHING” je IZNIMNI Integrativni zdravstveni trening u kojem se NE OGRANIČAVATE, VEĆ KORISTITE SVOJE PREDNOSTI DA BISTE BILI ZDRAVI, SRETNI I BOGATI! Marljivo ste radili da biste dosegli materijalnu, društvenu i duhovnu razinu na kojoj se trenutno nalazite. I dalje se s ponosom sjećate svojih prošlih pobjeda te se koristite onim što ste stekli,…

The benefits of detoxification
Detoxification, or detox for short, refers to the process of removing toxins and harmful substances from the body. Here are some of the potential benefits of detoxification on human health: Boosts energy and vitality: Detoxification can help to boost energy and vitality by removing toxins that can cause fatigue, lethargy, and brain fog. Improves digestive…

The benefits of lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage massage is a type of massage that is designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps to remove waste and toxins from the body. Here are some of the potential benefits of lymphatic drainage massage on human health: Boosts immune function: Lymphatic drainage massage can help to boost immune function by improving lymph…

We are proud to announce an opening of the first DETOCRE unit in Zagreb (Croatia). The project is going to be a joint venture of https://maimbalkan.org and School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. Project is powered by Dr.Sarancha (#drsarancha) together with the team of medical professionals. The unit is planed to be a…