Amanita Muscaria Muscimol Explained

Amanita Muscaria Muscimol Explained

Muscimol, a potent psychoactive compound found in Amanita muscaria mushrooms, has intrigued researchers and enthusiasts alike with its unique effects on the human brain, leading to numerous studies on its chemical profiles among psychoactive drugs and chemicals. This substance, found in drugs like magic mushrooms and certain chemicals, acts on GABA receptors, leading to an altered state of consciousness characterized…

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Complex process of psycho biological degradation

Complex process of psycho biological degradation

“It is interesting to take into account that, despite different cultural and religious traditions and points of view, Demons and, in particular, the Devil are elements of continuous process of psycho biological degradation, which often consists of mental illness, sexual perversion and some deformations of the physical body” (G.P.Klymov) If this is true, then should…

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Informacijska medicina – nadogradnja konvencionalne struke

Informacijska medicina – nadogradnja konvencionalne struke

Informacijska medicina – MAIM. U okviru 14. #HUPED -ova kongresa: “ZNANSTVENI DOKAZI U NEKONVENCIONALNOJ MEDICINI” koji će se održati na Zagrebačkom velesajmu od 1. do 4.12.2022.g. u sklopu SAJMOVA HRANE I ZDRAVOG ŽIVLJENJA, predsjednik udruge #MAIM Dr.Sarancha će održati predavanje pod naslovom “Informacijska medicina – nadogradnja konvencionalne struke. Metode, tehnologije. rezultati”. TEME KONGRESA: iscjeljenja dokaziva medicinskim nalazima razmjena iskustava u…

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