Testiranje ekstrasenzorne percepcije (ESP)

Testiranje ekstrasenzorne percepcije (ESP)

Testiranje ekstrasenzorne percepcije (ESP) uz pomoć znanstvenih metoda postaje esencijalna metoda u današnjim zahtjevnim vremenima. Sve više ljudi  shvaća potrebu percepcije fizičkog  svijeta kroz intuiciju, osjećaj, tkz right-brain approach. Znanstveno dokazani logični left-brain approach je samo jedan dio ljudske kognitivne sposobnosti. S druge strane alternativne ili komplementarne metode  svrstane u Metafiziku još od vremena R.Descartesa…

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Cryo therapy as an enhacement to the neurocognitive technologies of MAIM

Cryo therapy as an enhacement to the neurocognitive technologies of MAIM

We would like to announce a new scientific partnership of our Association with the European manufacturer of the modern Cryo equipment Vacuactivus-Medstarcom. Taking into consideration numerous positive effects of the cryotherapy while using as a complimentary treatment for such states as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Phantom Pain, Chronic Pain…

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Information Medicine: An Application of the New Paradigm in Medicine

Information medicine is a new application and development of an age-old method of healing. It re-creates and re-discovers a method that has proved its merits for thousands of years through a synthesis with new developments in new-paradigm physics and biology. The basic premise of information medicine is the use of information to correct faulty or…

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NFT Healthyceuticals – the new tech. of the information medicine

NFT Healthyceuticals – the new tech. of the information medicine

Healthyceuticals (collection Healthy Clouds on https://opensea.io/collection/healthyclouds in particular) are modern health boosting designs and tools created/improved/developed by Dr.Sarancha (G.P., Ph.D) with colleagues. Healthyceuticals are the items imprinted with use of scientifically proven methods based on the paradigms of the informational medicine, e.g. electromagnetic, optical imprinting, empowering with use of neurocognitive methods. Proposed collection of NFTs…

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R.I.P our dear scholar Dr. William Tiller (Psychoenergetic Science)

For the past forty years professor of Stanford University Dr. William Tiller has been writing scientific papers, articles and books in the Psychoenergetic Science area, in parallel with his orthodox science work carried out as a materials science professor at Stanford University with his Ph.D. students during this same time period. The main purpose of his…

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Electromagnetic Information Transfer to Natural Water

The use of electromagnetic information transfer in clinical practice has been gaining momentum due to its documented potential benefits in managing various conditions such as joint and back pain, chronic kidney disease, psoriasis, and depression. The working hypothesis is that the therapeutic electromagnetic information transfer has clinical benefit through a resonance effect – that is…

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Medical NFT u suradnji s inovativnom platformom THOTH

Obzirom na popularnost Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) i razvoj virtualnih svjetova, stručnjaci MAIMa su stvorili kolekciju Medical NFTa. Uz pomoć ovih kreacija zainteresirane osobe mogu pristupiti komplementarnim metodama liječenja putem svojih mobilnih uređaja i računala nakon odabira i kupnje NFTa. Više o toma kako funkcionira tehnologija Medical NFT možete pročitati putem linka. TheOnlineTalentHub called THOTH is…

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Zajednička pomoć partnera osobama s invaliditetom iz Ukrajine

Zajednička pomoć partnera osobama s invaliditetom iz Ukrajine

Liječnici i naši partneri iz M+Grupe, uz podršku Crvenog Križa Vrbovec, organizirali su pomoć osobama s invaliditetom iz Ukrajine. Prema izjavi ministra unutarnjih poslova Davora Božinovića 21.lipnja 2022. godine u Hrvatsku je stiglo otprilike – 20.000 ljudi iz ratom pogođene Ukrajine. Njih dvadesetak su osobe s invaliditetom koje su smještene u centru za rehabilitaciju “Stančić”…

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Strukovna članska organizacija MAIM

Strukovna članska organizacija MAIM

Poštovani partneri, ovim putem želimo vam predstaviti profesionalnu udrugu znanstvenika i stručnjaka pod imenom “MEĐUNARODNA ASOCIJACIJA ZA INFORMACIJSKU MEDICINU – MAIM“ (reg. broj 21014096, 94.12 Djelatnosti strukovnih članskih organizacija (NKD 2007)) koja djeluje na području Republike Hrvatske od 2020. godine.  Aktivno smo uključeni u sljedeće aktivnosti: – očuvanje duhovnog i praktičnog znanja informacijskih tehnologija kao…

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